Yiquan is systematically structured so students can progress in clearly defined steps from learning how to unify the body to acquire whole-body strength, through to learning how to manipulate opponents and to fighting applications using the new way of moving that Yiquan encourages. The complete system consists of seven sections.
Standing postures (zhan zhaung) divide into health and combat postures. Combat postures are used to develop strength sensing (mo li), this is unique to yiquan.
Strength testing (shi li) are simple slow
movements performed in a stationary position.
Friction step (mo ca bu) combines
strength testing with controlled stepping.
Explosive energy (fa li) are fast movements to
issue power.
Pushing hands (tui shou) fixed and moving
step partner practice used to experience
sensitivity to another persons movement,
balance and whole-body strength.
Voice/breath testing (shi sheng) to unify all
parts of the body during the release of power.
Combat practice (ji ji fa), the application of
all elements of yiquan in a freestyle sparring or fighting situation.